Striving For
CH Moricroft Arpad NTD DS JH BCAT
(Bardantop Mulberry from Moricroft x Amyrick Atlas of Farlap)
Bred by - Rachel Thompson of Moricroft (England)
Owned by Peg Roginski, Belinda Perry & Jeff Gowen
BD- 2/3/16
Height- 25.5
Weight - 65 lbs
HUU - Clear
OFA hips - GOOD
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Certified Ophthalmologist exam - PASS February, 2021 (Free of genetic eye disorders)
Long hair gene - carrier
Furnishings - F/F
Available for Stud to compatible females via frozen semen.
AKC Championship and Sporting Group placing
Junior Hunter title
Novice Trick Dog title
NADD/AKC Senior Dock Jumping w/ a Personal Best
2/3 AKC Rally Novice Qualifications
AKC Achiever Award
FastCat BCAT title
This boy joined our gang as a pup, coming from England. He's a wonderful dog to live with, always happy to go and do whatever my heart desires - rally, dock diving, hiking, traveling hunting and just as content to hang out and relax! He takes his hunt work very seriously, he's thorough, great nose, strong work ethic and retrieves to hand. He loves to swim, water retrieve and has shown some nice blood track for deer recovery. Thank you, Rachel for trusting us with this great boy!
EszterHazi Drotos Izso NJK, JW , Winner '19
(HFTWCH. HCH. Eszter-Házi Drótos Csenge x CZCH. WW. Avar z Vrsku)
Huu Free
Hips B ( Good)
Eyes Clear incl. Gonio
Longhair free .
Work: Hungarian Hunting dog Certificate ( VAV)
Show: CAC, Dutch Junior Champion, Youth Winner , Winner '19
Our Iszo comes from well known, famous strong hunting lines. His mother is a Hungarian Field trial Champion, Interchampion in show and his father holds several working certificates from Tsjechië with CACT and is a World champion in show.
Iszo is a natural retriever has a wide search and a strong point loves to swim. He has an outgoing friendly personality.
At stud for approved females. Exelent quality frozen seemen available Shipping via Cryolab NL or in near future available from USA .
(CH Compass' Carpe Each N Every One JH RA RATN TKA CGC x GCH CH
Luxatori Dolmany of Loroka
Bred By - Belinda Perry & Jeff Gowen
Owned by Kristi Baum & Belinda Perry
BD: 10/16/16
Height - 25.5 inches
OFA Elbows- Normal
Ophthalmologist Certified Eye Exam - PASS/May 2019
We are super proud of this team's hard work and dedication to new adventures! Kristi & Trapper serve their community in various manners including, but not limited to Bite Prevention training for children, fundraising for local charity organizations and visiting with those in need of companionship. In their spare time they compete in a variety dog sports for fun!
Accomplishments -
Registered and active Therapy Dog at age 1 year (earliest he could begin serving) Rally Excellent title, Junior Dock Diving title, Canine Good Citizen Community, Advanced & Urban levels, Trick Dog Novice, Intermediate and Advanced level. Also competing in Rally Master, Obedience & Barnhunt. ALL before he was 2 years!!
Quodian's Torben NAI
(HUN J/HUN SH/ HUN GrCH Vernum Ventulus Ersek DKK AV VAV (Hungary) x AM/NLCH Vizcaya’s Allman Biskade
Bred by- Lies van Essen of Quodian's Vizslas (Netherlands)
Owned by Corey & Courtney Lewelleyn of Virginia, Belinda Perry & Peg Roginski
BD- 02/05/2023
OFA joints- 2025
OFA eyes- Normal
HUU – Carrier
Furnishings – F/F
Longhair – Clear
ECLE - Clear
Laszlo came to American in April of 2023, by way of The Netherlands and has been living his best life in Virginia Beach ever since. He enjoys daily trips to the nearby lake, swimming, running on the beach, and is always on the hunt. May 2024 was a huge month for him as he earned a Prize I with a perfect 112 score at the Chesapeake chapter Natural Ability test before heading to New York City the following week and partake in the “Meet the Breed” showcase at the Westminster Dog Show. On June first he tested for Started Gun Dog at a UKC event and earned his first pass for retriever testing.
Laszlo enjoys everyday training in the yard, whether it be basic place, heel work, small retrieves, or simple tracks, if it is a task that makes us happy as owners, it makes him tenfold happier. He has a strong work drive in the field and often times does not want to be told “The hunt is over.” Laszlo has surprised us all bringing birds back to hand from the day we brought him home, and now is developing a beautiful low-profile point. We are excited to see where the future takes us and the adventures, we will go on together.
CH Compass Make Your Own Luck TDCH, SDE, SDIN, RI, JTS, AGNJS, VB, VHMA, RE, ACT2, ACT2JWW, S-SD-S
(CH Compass' Points King of Cohoon JH CTL1-R) x CH Quodian's Ozma of Oz JH
Bred by - Belinda Perry & Jeff Gowen
Owned by - Stella Barnett of Canada and Belinda Perry
BD- 12-15-2021
OFA Hips- Good
OFA Elbows- Normal
OFA Eyes- Normal (2025)
HUU- Clear/Normal
ECLE- Clear/Normal
EIC- Clear/Normal
Furnishings - F/F
Longhair- Clear
Available at stud to approved females
Live cover /frozen semen
Tully is a well balanced boy that finished his Canadian championship easily. He comes across as a bit of a clown, with the most ridiculous wiggles when he greets people. He’s very happy go lucky and social with other people and dogs. But when it comes to training and competing he is extremely intense - taking part in agility, scent detection, and rally obedience. He shows promise in the field, displaying the same intensity as in our other activities. Tully has a great off switch and loves nothing better than snuggling on the couch at the end of the day!
Please visit the "Our Dogs" page for additional photos of them doing the activities they love.
BISS CH Rokahidi Drivin Me Chrazie
(Fukar Garamparty HZP VJP SVS JSS ChSPL (Slovakia) x Rokahidi Csinos AV VAV (Hungary))
Bred By - Zambo Zoltan
Owned by Belinda Perry & Freda Kirtley
BD- 01/04/2017
OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Normal August 2022
HUU - Clear
Furnishings - F/F
Longhair - Clear
Height - 25
Duncan joined our family as a 5.5 year old adult. He had spent his first 5 years in a family home setting where he finished his AKC Championship but was not hunted over though his pedigree is one of strong hunt lines. Soon after joining us we started taking him out hiking and introducing him to game birds. He was so excited about it so we've gradually started him in hunt work, even though he's much older than we would normally begin this. He also loves to swim and retrieve, retrieving to hand. We took him to our first Specialty show weekend in Columbia, SC in September of 2022, just a month after joining our family, entering him in Conformation and FastCat. He had a blast running the 100 yard dash in FastCat (see photo above) and we had a very successful debut weekend in the show ring, earning a Select Dog and a Best of Breed / Best in Specialty Show (BISS). Duncan quickly bonded with Jeff and finds him to be his best buddy, accompanying him to work most days. We're so enjoying sharing life with this sweet, goofy boy who seems to look at the world through eyes of wonderment and curiosity followed by a "woo-woooooo".
GRCH CH Compass' Where the River Meets the Ocean
Compass' Cedrus Atlantica NAII x Eszter-hazi Drotos Lava JH
Bred by - Belinda Perry, Jeff Gowen & Peg Roginski
Owned by - Stan & Robin Gay of South Carolina & Belinda Perry
BD- 06/03/2022
OFA hips- Good
OFA Elbows- Normal
HUU - Carrier
ECLE- Normal
OFA eyes- Pass (2024)
Longhair- Clear
Best of Opposite WVCA Specialty Topeka, KS -2024
Award of Merit - WVCA National Specialty, Topeka KS - 2024
Select Dog at Westminster, New York City, NY - 2025
Many Best of Breed awards - across many states
Deacon is an amazing dog. In the show ring, he strives to please and demonstrates confidence. He is highly affectionate and prefers to be close to his family members. He has been easily trained without harsh methods and works to please his humans. He has been introduced to guns and does not demonstrate any hesitation or shyness related to the sound. He has not been officially introduced to birds, but he will point at birds outside. His temperament makes him the perfect dog for a family who enjoys outdoor activities.